2019 New Mexico Music Award Nominee in 3 Categories for 2nd CD "Con Carino" released July 2018.
"Song in the Key of CC' Contemporary Instrumental
"Tacones" in Latin Genre
"Mi Ahijada" in world Genre
Celebration Photo with my siblings
Honored and Humbled to be part of this book project. "To Survive on this Shore" Photographs and Interviews with Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Older Adults A Project by Jess T. Dugan and Vanessa Fabbre
My mother Dolores Nava proud of this recognition.
THURSDAY, August 2, 2018 Carlos Rodriguez "The Lair of Sound and Fury with Carlos" 10am to Noon with KMR-LP 96.9 FM which broadcasts 58 live programs every week, curated and hosted by more than 70 DJs from the Madrid, Cerrillos, and 87010 community interviewed me about my CDs, music influences and the musicians I jam with. Chris Riggins joined in with his perspective on sharing a stage with me and discussed his own music endeavors. Was a fun interview.
Patrique Abqlivemusic Murphy-Siler 9/24/17
Underground Cadence told me that they are a blend of rawking, bluesy, eclectic, funk songs that will keep you dancing with edgy musical rhythms. My first thought was Prove It.That they did with music from The Color Purple, Outkast, Sevie Wonder, Peggy Lee, Screaming Jay Hawkins, and more. Danny give a piece of his Harp on a few songs. The audience went wild. Dancing, Singing with Underground Cadence, and yelling for more. Underground Cadance -- D'Santi, Kiesha, Alex and Brian -- A great band that proves including old songs with current songs is so valuable when they are played in their blend of rawking, bluesy, eclectic, funk. I cannot thank Underground Cadence enough for their electrifying performance. It was great meeting Underground Cadence and all of us enjoyed your music. Thanks again for for ending the evening with the Star Spangled Banner, there were a lot of vets in the audience and the respect you gave them meant a lot.
We will be seeing you again at The Belen Music Series 2018. Thank You from the bottom of my heart.
"New Mexico Music Awards 2017"
World Beat Winner
D Santi Nava
D’Santi Nava
D'Santi "El Brujo" Nava Music
Los Lunas
Original song "Sonrisas" winner of the New Mexico Music Awards 2017 in the World Genre. This song is is dedicated to his youngest sister Deanne Arlene. "She makes every one laugh. She is uplifting, lovable, positive and no matter what she offers laughter as healing. Her laughter is infectious. Her and I shared a room growing up. My childhood was a happy one because of her. She is my best friend".
The song is from his 1st CD "Desde Corazón" Nuevo Flamenco Originals released June 2016 which can be purchased at
Chris Riggins on Rhythm Guitar and JennJ on Cajon.
January 5th, 2017 radio interview by KUPR 99.9FM from the heart of Placitas, NM. Listen to my interview with Jerry D on KUPR 99.9 LP FM and streaming at Deeply grateful for the opportunity. 2016 has been a blessed year! Interview dedicated to my sister Deanne Nava on her birthday. Below is my aired interview LINK:
June 25th, 2016 interviewed by Marc Nelson of Santa Fe music Review "Showcasing a truly diverse blend of world-class musical skill, UndergroundCadence band proudly
emphasized Rainbow Pride, playing for a packed, energized crowd at Boxcar Santa Fe on Saturday evening". READ More and see the Videos by clicking this LINK:
Photo of me as the first Mr. Santa Fe, New Mexico Pride representing the Transgender Community 2016
August 2016 Featured Artist writeup in Listen!ABQ through New Mexico Music Awards. READ More at LINK:
Santa Fe Community College LGBT Honor Wall 2016
The first step to Empowerment is Visibility. International Transgender Day of Visibility is a day to visibly celebrate being transgender and for allies to show their support for the transgender community.
Since age 4, I knew I was in the wrong physical body. At age 5, I commenced my transition path. Being 2-spirit as a husband, grandpa, brother, uncle, he/him has been difficult. Challenges and gifts: doors have closed but new ones have open, friends/family have disappeared but now I am part of my wife's family, gigs have canceled but now I play music even more, some venues have not been safe or welcoming but now I have several I call home, I have been called an “IT by an owner of a local restaurant but now that owner is a nonentity on my path, I have been spat at/pushed/laughed at/cursed/assaulted but I have received support, love and compassion too, I have been vigilant of my safety when I walk at night but now I walk a little taller, I have received threatening messages but also encouraging ones, been misgendered BUT I have also been gifted a spiritual tribe who have supported me for the past 8 years unconditionally without blinking an eye or ever misgendering me. I have been able to lay down my sword, stop smoking and clean for the past 8 years, stop being the town drunk and peel off the masks. Still healing but now I am happy, whole and finally my authentic self. I am a musician; I AM D'Santiago Nava & proud to be part of the Trans Community #tdov
2015 New YorkTimes article on my transition.
'"My music keeps me going. I heal each time I play. I have been gifted a re-birth. I am grateful, I can finally be ME."