My Songs:
1st & 2nd CDs are NOW available for FREE download through the generosity of a music benefactor. Please use the Contact form to send me your thoughts on the music. Thank you!
#4Alma de Gitana and #6 Sonrisas were nominated to the New Mexico Music Awards 2017 in the Latin and WorldBeat Genre. Sonrisas WON! Deeply grateful and humbled to my family, my wife, friends and the music community for years of support and love. Deep appreciation to the New Mexico Music Award Board members, staff and judges for all their time and work in acknowledging NM music. Truly an honor and blessing!
My first CD "Desde Corazon" released 2016 is dedicated to my siblings for all their support throughout the years. They have supported my musical endeavors by attending my gigs, being my roadies, listening to me practice etc.
On March 2015, I had a near death experience in which my late father Andy Nava reminded me to "Run towards Life and Heal with each Note ". I continue to heal each day and live life fully everyday.
1. "El Matador" is dedicated to my nephew Douglas Anthony. He is more of a younger brother to me. He has the heart of a lion and is the protector of our family. His walk, features and piercing eyes remind me of the bullfighters from Spain. Listening to him speak reminds me of the bullfighter as he is getting ready for a fight.
2. "Danza del Almanecer" is dedicated to my brother Daniel Anthony. He was my first teacher. When I was 7 years old, he would send me chords via letters while he was stationed in the Navy. The song was written when I was in High School. It has evolved a bit since then. Dan loves sunrises and this songs is my interpretation of him having his morning cafecito.
3. "Serenata de Atardecer" is dedicated to my brother David Andrew. He is the painter, the artist and gardener of the family. He enjoys being alone painting. He gets lost in the colors, swirls and tapestries he paints. When I see him painting , I see him in Pairs with his easel among France's landscape. David had a pure heart filled with wonderment. The song reflects his heart.
4. "Alma de Gitana" is dedicated to my sister Deborah Ann. She has a nomadic gypsy soul. She loves traveling but being a mom, grandmother and caregiver of our elderly relatives has kept her rooted in NM. Watching her sit by the mountains, by a river or by the light of the sunrise reminds me of a gypsy ready to dance.
5. "Lagrimas de Lluvia" is dedicated to my sister Darlene Alexandrina. She is the heart of our family. She cries in times of joy, sorrow, excitement, good or bad news. We have nicknamed her “Mama Jr.” She worries about everyone. Listening to the rain in NM, reminds me of her tears and I connected it to guitar notes.
6. "Sonrisas" is dedicated to my youngest sister Deanne Arlene. She makes every one laugh. She is uplifting, lovable, positive and no matter what she offers laughter as healing. Her laughter is infectious. Her and I shared a room growing up. My childhood was a happy one because of her. She is my best friend.
CDs are NOW available for FREE Download.
Hard Copy available ONLY through Cdbaby:
CD Artwork via Gilbert Martinez.
Disclaimer Statement:
I, DSanti Nava acknowledged and confirm that the songs on the CD “Desde Corazon” are my originals compositions and produced and recorded by me. Artwork on CD by Gilbert Martinez. I own the rights to publish this material.

My second CD "Con Cariño" released 2018 is dedicated to the heart connections during my travels from Key West to the Pacific Ocean. Across the miles, I have discovered that people are truly heart centered. This CD honors my roots and the hearts I have met.
1. "Corazon del Francés" is dedicated to my new friend Laurent who has a lovely wine cafe and restaurant in Key West. Although our cultures are quite different, music brought us together. He danced while I shared my music in his venue. We healed with each note and a life-long friendship bloomed.
2. "El Malecón" is dedicated to the Cuban people I shared a cafecito and churro with. They all shared their stories of looking out into the ocean from the seawall (el malecón) in Cuba and dreaming of living in the USA. Stories of people walking the Malecón, families strolling on a lazy Sunday and couples dancing at night fill each note I strum.
3. "El Peregrinaje" is dedicated to everyone on their own sacred pilgrimage. We are all on some sort of a transition towards transformation. A friend of mine transitioned to the other realm of life while another friend was on a 500 hundred mile pilgrimage in Spain. The two gifted me the connection to life's never ending journey; both in the spiritual and physical stages.
4. "Algeria" is dedicated to all the people in the service industry. People working within their communities all smile and have good hearts. A woman I met in Mississippi at a coffee kiosk was truly a beam of light. She took time to listen and care about her clientele. Being of service for her, brought joy to her heart.
5. "El Danzón" is dedicated to a woman I met in South Padre Island, Texas reminiscing about her youth. She shared her memories dancing with her beaus tango-like steps. As she spoke, I could see her face light up describing how free she felt through the dance floor.
6. "Gallardos Tacones" is dedicated to all the flamenco dancers I have had the honor to share a stage with. This song in A minor is dedicated to the Flamenco dancers as they stomp their heels across the dance floor rhythmically in unison to Mother Earth's heartbeat.
7. "Canción a mi Ahijada" is dedicated to my god-daughter who grew up into a beautiful young woman. While she was a little girl, she was my shadow. We had tea parties, birthday parties everyday, camped out in the backyard, watched movies and laughed over everything and anything. She is the daughter I never had but through Creator's love has been a gift in my life.
8. "Sueños" is a song gifted to me by my deceased dad through a dream. He woke me up at 3am one morning and guided my fingers on the guitar with the chords in this song. I could hear him in my ear teaching me the strums. It is a song that brings memories of Guanajuato and the days of listening to all my uncles and aunts playing their music.
BONUS TRACKS: Originally composed on electric blues style.
1. "Tio" acoustically for my dad. He was nicknamed Baby Tio by an older niece. This song is highly influenced by latin notes.
2. "Song in the key of CC" acoustically for my wife aka the GigWitch who inspires me every moment of my life to play music. She is my muse .
CDs are NOW available for FREE Download.
Hard Copy available ONLY through live performances, face to face or snail mail. Order through the Contact Form on this site.
CD Artwork via Philip Wiley.
Disclaimer Statement:
I, DSanti Nava acknowledged and confirm that the songs on the CD “Con Carino” are my originals compositions and produced and recorded by me. Artwork on CD by Philip Wiley. I own the rights to publish this material.